Dark Passion Fray

I pity the individual forced to live within the dystopia of Birmingham. Its raison d’être is to visually and emotionally affront. Driving down to see Nightwish a couple of days ago, I couldn’t help feeling that the band were playing in one of the country’s most contaminated pores. It’s not just the structural design of […]

Metal Female Voices Fest V – Review

By the end of the festival we had probably become the people the organisation wished they hadn’t let in. And, unfortunately enough for those with me, sometimes I remember most things about an evening, maybe it’s something to do with the strength of the beer. Flowing Tears had left and Leaves’ Eyes had shut up […]

Epica – The Divine Conspiracy

More than two years on from the second-rate curmudgeon of Consign To Oblivion, it seems that some re-evaluation has been the order of the day at the Epica camp. More than a few of us agreed that Consign To Oblivion was a slightly half-baked piece of work, an undercooked steak that promised succulence and fulfilment, […]

Share and Share Alike

“Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination” – Oscar Wilde Few purchasing options are open to you as a 13 year old. I remember as the hormonally-fuelled germ-stack that I was in my early teens, one thing that I didn’t have a great deal of was money. Of course there […]

Delight – Breaking Ground

I was more than a little dubious about hearing Delight’s new effort. As we all know too well by now, signing to a behemoth the size of Roadrunner does tend to change the sound of a band more than a little and I’ve got a soft spot for Delight. I saw them play in Katowice […]